Monthly Thoughts by Breakers in 2024

blog Jan 12, 2024
Monthly Thoughts by Breakers in 2024

The Break was a life-changing experience for us. Not only we spent time together in Spain and online; we also learned from each other, and we connected our missions and visions.

After returning to life, we realized it would be a shame not to continue the BREAKERS life. (Brave – Regenerative – Empathetic – Aligned – Kind – Enthusiastic – Rebellious – Self-compassionate).

Now we want to make it a part of our life. Now we want to sustain the impact. For all of us. For female entrepreneurs. For their daughters, sons and everyone they mentor and inspire. For our partners, families and societies.

What is possible? Let’s meet regularly to discuss, learn and share inspiration.

How can we do it?

When can we start?

Let’s mark these days and topics.

01.01.2024. Communicate Smarter for social change (why campaigns fail and how to plan an effective communication for impact) + Happy New Year + celebrating Birthday

02.02.2024. Pricing for female entrepreneurs in service business + Money Mindset (selling services vs. selling time)

03.03.2024 Importance of Investing in Human Potential (individual and society level) from the perspective of female entrepreneurs

04.04.2024 Generations at work: differences and similarities from the female perspective

05.05.2024 Storytelling as a communication tool for female entrepreneurs and the significance of The Break experience

06.06.2024 Unpaid female work

07.07.2024 Burnout and fear of delegating for professional women and female entrepreneurs

08.08.2024 Female perspective on diversity and inclusion at work and our The Break experience

09.09.2024 SDGs from female and entrepreneurial perspective

10.10.2024 Pygmalion effect and the importance of mentoring for female entrepreneurs

11.11.2024 Female entrepreneurs in the knowledge economy (Attention Economy)

12.12.2024. Crowdfunding as an option for female entrepreneurs


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