How much is your diploma REALLY worth?

blog Jan 12, 2024
How much is your diploma REALLY worth?

Of course, I was proud when I completed my doctorate. 😊

Behind me was a challenging task, completely outside all conceivable “comfort zones.” Why am I thinking about it today? 👩‍🎓

Because every day I meet many young women in whom I recognize my younger self. They want to learn, progress, acquire new knowledge, and validate their abilities.

With all my years of experience, I understand that I learned more AFTER each passed exam. I realize that by APPLYING what I learned, through mistakes and obstacles, I came to the true confirmation of what I know and what I can do.

🤔 I’m thinking about how to convey that awareness to someone, to help shorten and ease the journey.

The best metaphor that comes to mind is the common illustration of the concepts of necessary and sufficient conditions.

The necessary condition to win the lottery is a purchased ticket. The sufficient condition is that the numbers from that ticket are drawn.

Diplomas, certificates, courses, books, and other free and paid content we consume are necessary conditions to acquire new knowledge. The sufficient condition is when we apply, test, supplement, and adopt it.

Does anyone have a better suggestion on how to convey this message to young people just starting their professional journey?


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